Bill Erickson's
Earth Science Web Page

Which Theory of the Earth is correct?

Plate Tectonics?

Expansion Tectonics?

...or something else?

Some hints and clues:

What's the geological history of the Arctic?
What's the geological history of the Pacific?
What's the geological history of India and the Himalaya?
What kind of rocks have been found in the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans, and how old are they?
Are Subduction and Seafloor Spreading "settled science"... or merely myths?

Science advances primarily when majority positions are proved false — and majorities tend to defend their positions far longer, and more strongly, than is appropriate.
— Warren B. Hamilton —
Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts.
— Richard P. Feynman —
The one disease fatal to science, with no known cure,
is hardening of the categories.
— June Goodfield —
If 50 million believe in a fallacy, it is still a fallacy.
— S. Warren Carey —
If something happened, it's probably possible.
— Peter J. Coney —

On the Origin of Dinosaurs and Mammals

Papers by
Bill Erickson

Relevant Websites, Books, and Papers

Videos, Animations, and Slideshows

A 20% reduction in surface gravity during the Triassic and Jurassic, related to Earth expansion, may have played a crucial role in the origin and evolution of dinosaurs. In reduced gravity, natural selection would favor (1) a relative decrease in skeletal mass, (2) a relative decrease in bone thickness, and (3) an increase in the uppermost size limit of land animals. These predictions, deduced from skeletal scaling principles, and supported by gravitational tolerance experiments and biomedical space research, are borne out by the fossil record. During the Mid-to-Late Triassic, the small, robust, and exclusively quadrupedal synapsid reptiles (faunas dominated by mammal-like reptiles) were supplanted by larger, gracile, and bipedal diapsid reptiles (dinosaur-dominated faunas). Giant dinosaurs were already present in the Early Jurassic and gigantic sauropods (brontosaurs), with the mass of a Blue Whale, flourished by the Late Jurassic.

Gravity Illustrated
Kevin Pope (Acme Greetings Card)
Space Elephant by Salvador Dali
Space Elephant
Salvador Dali
Were the force of gravity to be doubled our bipedal form would be a failure, and the majority of terrestrial animals would resemble short-legged saurians, or else serpents. On the other hand, if gravity were halved, we should get a lighter, slenderer, more active type, needing less energy, less heat, less heart, less lungs, less blood.
Gravity not only controls the actions but also influences the form of all save the least of organisms.
— D'Arcy Wentworth Thompson, On Growth and Form, 1917 —

Estimates of Dinosaur Size

Papers by Bill Erickson

Latest paper

Annulling the "marriage of convenience" between Earth Expansion and Seafloor Spreading

New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, No. 64, September, 2012, pp. 69-80

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Relevant Websites, Books, and Papers

Earth Expansion

Paradoxes and Problems in the Plate Tectonics Paradigm

Earth Expansion, Gravity, and "the Mass Problem"

Dinosaurs in Reduced Gravity

Hopping Dinosaurs

History of Earth Science

Philosophy of Science

Videos, Animations, and Slideshows

E-mail Bill Erickson at
berickson at frontier-knowledge dot com

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Revised: December 16, 2018

Copyright © 2002-2018 William Carnell Erickson. All rights reserved.